May 12Liked by Odinyrus of Baravia

Dear sir..Hello! ... here to transparantly simply say enjoyed your fine commentary on beers with a Christian overview sensibility.We stopped any alcohol a while back tho we never. ever. throw rocks at anyone else who partakes We are Slavic non sectarian Pro 2,A non Isreal firster athletic intellectuals but absolutely American Christians

We welcome all genuine Christian oriented folk and had no disagreement with anything in the one article of yours we r dutifully read .That is notable because one woman who read a number of our posted articles liked us very much but then said elsewhere.."that Jesus Christ..The AllMighty....The one we live by....The Final Judge..never existed,....was a historical fiction,a myth!.Of course she did not address that "statement to Us". Women these days!*... In any case....We also ,years ago had an audio video expert friend who brewed craft beers in his basement.! God bless..God speed ..All best.**

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Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. I’m looking forward to reading your stuff as well. There are lots of good people in the beer world and home brew world, and can bring people with disparate interests together. As for the woman’s comment you mentioned-very strange, indeed. Everyone has their own views, I suppose, though. Once again, thanks!

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